Dr. Joseph Berger M.D - Ear, Nose, and Throat Sinus and Allergy Center

Opening Hours: : Mon - Fri - 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  Phone Number: : (229) 228-6355

Sinus Treatments

We Treat Sinusitis

Sinusitis is a common condition that afflicts over 35 million Americans every year. The sinuses are air-filled spaces behind the forehead, cheeks, and eyes. In healthy sinuses, mucus drains out and air is able to circulate. Sinusitis describes a swelling (inflammation) of the sinuses that can lead to blockages and prevent mucous from draining properly. This can lead to infection. At Dr. Joseph Berger's office, we see many patients suffering from chronic and recurrent sinusitis each week.

Common Sinusitis symptoms include:
– Loss of smell or bad breath
– Cough
– Headache and facial pain or tenderness
– Lack of energy
– Nasal congestion and discharge
– Sore throat and postnasal drip

What Causes Sinusitis? A number of factors can cause irritation and contribute to sinusitis, including Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungus. In addition, some studies have shown that structural issues such as narrowed drainage pathways may lead to sinusitis outbreaks.

Acute, Chronic, and Recurrent are the different types of SInusitis. Every patient is unique and requires a personal approach to therapy.

Our typical treatment options include Acute symptoms last 10-12 days typically addressed via self-care or medical therapy. Chronic symptoms last 3 months or longer can be addressed via medical therapy, an office procedure such as balloon sinus dilation, or functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Recurrent Acute multiple acute sinusitis breakouts in calendar year can be addressed via medical therapy, an office procedure such as balloon sinus dilation, or functional endoscopic sinus surgery.